
Setting up access to an Internet Service Provider (ISP), whether it is through cable, DSL, or dial-up connection, and the latest email or browser software, can be a very confusing experience. Rather than getting frustrated spending hours on hold, or talking with an ISP representative as he or she tries to walk you through the setup … we’ll do it for you.

Having difficulty configuring your wireless router to properly access your DSL or cable modem? Does setting up encryption like WEP to prevent unauthorized leeching of your Internet connection on your router and workstation drive you crazy? Having a qualified PC EMT 24/7 technician come out for a quick setup of your Internet can save you hours of time and ensures that your computers are setup correctly and securely, the first time. Fill out our Service Request form and one of our specialists will contact you to arrange an on-site appointment to setup your Internet hardware and software properly.

We will come to your location, configure routers, security, email accounts, wireless access where necessary, and whatever you need for proper Internet access at your home or business.


Sometimes, for no apparent reason, your previously working Internet setup becomes riddled with problems and issues. Your hardware and software was hooked up and working with your ISP, only to have it start working intermittently, poorly, or stop working all together. The problem could be your hardware, the ISP’s equipment or service, or the configuration of your software. Trying to resolve the problem yourself can become an exercise in futility, causing hours of frustration and angst.

We can help with training on Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer, Eudora, Mozilla Firefox, America Online, and other browser and email applications. Whether you need us on-site or would like to bring your system to our store, fill out the Service Request form and we will promptly respond to your inquiry. Provide information on the nature of the errors or problems you are experiencing, and one of our internet specialists will call you back to help get you going. If necessary, we will schedule an on-site visit. Let the pros at PC EMT 24/7 help you solve all your Internet issues.

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